Sunday, November 20, 2005



Blogger Bonnie Yves said...

hello 白粉, 我找不到您的blog呀, 可否再俾多次我呀, Sorry!!

您覺得您老師喜歡吃什麼菜式呢? 會唔會想試Asian food?? 法國人都係中意pastry 野, 不過您知佢地好自大及自負, 實覺得我們整得無佢地那麼好, 所以不如try something new!! 小小意見!! :)

12:27 AM  
Blogger Buffalowing said...


我覺得最好乜都唔整, 法國人超自負, 覺得只有自己整既野最好食...我經歷過..所以最好叫你唔好整...

3:46 AM  
Blogger Bonnie Yves said...

How about making muffin or scone? I am sure he must love it.

10:31 PM  
Blogger Bonnie Yves said...

Scone & Muffin could be savoury. You can try to using cheese & herbs or bacon with cheese...etc. You can make it at night and re-heat it just before school. By the way, scone & muffin can be served cold.

11:30 PM  
Blogger Yumi said...

點呀. 你個BOSS 有無木定口呆 ?? 點解LEE 個同事咁勁, 咩都整到 !! HA HA.

11:43 PM  

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